Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day One

This seems odd. After reading thousands of blog postings I'm starting my own and I'm sure no one will ever read it. Oh well, it's for posterity I suppose. What interests me you ask?? Well, most of the blogs I go to are political in nature. I've always been a news junkie, even as a young teenager I would read the newspaper from cover to cover. I remember the coverage always puzzled me. I can remember thinking why don't they like President Reagan??? A question that still puzzles me and I'm no naive teenager any longer. I guess I would classify myself politically as a realistic libertarian. Meaning I never vote for a libertarian candidate beyond the level of dog catcher. I would rather work within a party that actually has a shot at winning. Of course I'm more than likely disappointed most of the time, but that's life. If I wanted to vote for the perfect candidate that agreed with me 100 percent of the time I would run for office myself.

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