Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Al Quida uses racial epithet toward Obama

Oh no! How dare they! Fly planes into 3 buildings, crash one into the ground and we get angry, but to insult the President elect??? I think that justifies all out war.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What we like

As Americans I think we can all agree on one thing. Cheap gas is good. No, not just good, but a very great thing. Our 401ks may be in the toilet. Unemployment is creeping up and up. Milk is approaching $4.00 a gallon. You don't hear an outcry over those things. Oh sure we moan about it amongst ourselves, but you don't see the public outcry the way you did over $4.00 a gallon gas. The letters to the editors page use to be full of writers expressing outrage over gasoline prices. Lose 80 percent of your 401ks value and apparently that isn't nearly as catastrophic as $4.20 a gallon gas.

Friday, November 14, 2008

It doesn't matter

As you may have heard there is going to be a recount in the senate race between Al Franken and Sen. Norm Coleman. Some think this is important because the republicans ability to use the filibuster hangs on the outcome of this race. All I can say is riiiight. Like the republicans would ever have enough balls to use the filibuster. In the current incarnation of a senate republican, there is no way anyone is going to do it.,0,2286198.story

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm not a religious nut. Honestly I'm not.

Check out the pick 3 on November 5th.

On election day my daughter and I were voting at the mega church we were assigned. Indiana has an ID card check, so we used our military ID cards since we have yet to get an Indiana drivers license (you have to take the test to get one, meaning I have to study). One of the polling observers, an elderly man, asked to see my card again after I put it away. I showed it to him and he said, "oh, I thought it was the new Indiana ID know we are afraid of that because of 666". Uhm...okay dude!

Day One

This seems odd. After reading thousands of blog postings I'm starting my own and I'm sure no one will ever read it. Oh well, it's for posterity I suppose. What interests me you ask?? Well, most of the blogs I go to are political in nature. I've always been a news junkie, even as a young teenager I would read the newspaper from cover to cover. I remember the coverage always puzzled me. I can remember thinking why don't they like President Reagan??? A question that still puzzles me and I'm no naive teenager any longer. I guess I would classify myself politically as a realistic libertarian. Meaning I never vote for a libertarian candidate beyond the level of dog catcher. I would rather work within a party that actually has a shot at winning. Of course I'm more than likely disappointed most of the time, but that's life. If I wanted to vote for the perfect candidate that agreed with me 100 percent of the time I would run for office myself.